At dinner last night with The Wife, The Boy, and The Girl:
TW: How was CCD today?
TB: Good.
TW: Did you get to sit next to Kelsey?
TB: No, but I got really close.
TW: How close?
TB: Almost right next to her. She loves me.
TW: She does?
TB: Mm-hmm.
TW: How do you know when a girl loves you?
TB (smiling shyly): They give signs.
DD: (snuffled guffaw)
TW (accusingly): Did you teach him this?
DD: Hey, I'm innocent here.
TW: Did Daddy teach you this?
TB: No.
TW: You just noticed it on your own?
TB: Yeah.
TW: What kind of signs?
TB: You know, they smile like this. (creepy, almost inhuman smile)
DD: (snuffled guffaw)
TW: They do?
TB: Well, sometimes. Girls are confusing.
DD: That's true.
I thought I had a few more years before those conversations started...